

Bigger = Better

Today at our church we finished up our "Fantastic Four" Sundays of July with guest speaker Dino Rizzo of Healing Place church.  Pastor Rizzo is an awesome speaker and both services today were phenomenal.  This whole month has been amazing, actually.  Serving at Youth America has been both exhausting and rewarding and the month of July has flown by.  Tonight something Pastor Rizzo said really resonated in my soul and explained so much of my life lately.

His message was about the importance of "belonging" to a local church.  He spoke of the 5 benefits of being totally committed and involved in your church.  All of the points were so true and as I took notes on paper I was mentally noting the specific instances of mine and Terry's life where belonging and being committed to the church had bore the fruit of reward Pastor Rizzo spoke of.  The final point brought it all home for me.  Of course, I can't just tell you the point.  I have to share the whole back story.

In May I attended one cousin's high school graduation and family party.  At the party one of my aunt's asked me how I was doing.  She commented, "You always seem so happy when you post on Facebook, are you really that happy?"  I replied, "Of course!  I really have a great life."  Since that time I have been wondering, "God, why is my life so wonderful?"  Not that I am complaining, not at all.  But what did I do to deserve such a wonderful life?  I know I don't "deserve" it.  I am not a good enough person to have such a great life.  I have a loving husband and beautiful healthy and happy child.  I have friends and family galore who love and care for me.  I have a good job that provides for our family and a husband who cares for our child and home and takes care of all that stuff I really don't want to do (like yardwork).  I have a church that is beyond compare!  I have the opportunity to lead people into worship and have learned how to worship my God more freely than I ever have before.  So again I ask, "God!  Why Me?!  What did I do to deserve this?"  This almost guilt has been in the back of my mind for some time now, and tonight I feel as if I have received some kind of answer.

Enter: Dino Rizzo.  He said that belonging to a church makes your life "Bigger".  Whoa!  Hold up!  My committment to my church makes my life bigger?  THAT is what makes my life so grand?  Absolutely!  If you feel like your life could use a pick me up, take this advice.  Look at your involvement in your church.  Honesetly evaluate your level of commitment.  Do you show up everytime the doors open?  Are you there early to greet?  Is there an area (or three) of ministry that you are involved in?  Do you answer your phone when your campus Pastor calls, or do you ignore the call because you know they will ask you to do something and you just don't have time for that?  I am not criticizing, really I am not.  But I am passionate!  My church has opened my eyes to the hurting world that is out there.  Opened my eyes to the need that is all around me.  There is so much more to my life than, me.  Shocking, I know!  If you want to expand your life, your church involvement is the key.

Terry and I have seen a marked difference for the better in our marital relationship, finances, mental health, and general well-being since coming to Church of the Harvest.  Not that you can't get this same benefit from plugging in to any church that is making a difference in the world, but if you don't have a church home, come see us at Church of the Harvest.  We have six campuses and they are all welcoming and friendly.  If you have a church, throw yourself in full force.  Show up!  Do what is asked, and more.  Challenge God to make your life Bigger.  I can guarantee you, when it comes to life - Bigger is BETTER!