

Cloth Diapers Revisited - One Year Later

Well I haven't posted about this in a while.  But I thought I should do a follow-up to my original post now that I have some hands on experience with the subject.  A year into cloth diapering and I can honestly say, I LOVE cloth diapers.  Here are a few reasons why:

1. They are so cute!  I don't have enough pictures of KB in her diapers (we usually keep her clothed), but I promise they are way cuter than disposables!  They don't sag and look nasty.
2.  We are saving money!  I haven't tried to figure up the savings and we do still have to buy disposables for day care, but I know it is a lot less than what we would spend for disposables all the time.  In fact since we have to buy the sensitive skin type disposables and we can't buy cheapo diapers due to KB getting a bad rash with those, disposables are tres expensive.
3.  Very few rashes!  The only rash she got was because of putting her in non-sensitive disposables and it took FORever to heal.  We finally healed it up by using wool covers - breatheability is key!
4.  Washing isn't that bad.  The smell is no where near the horrible smell of disposables!  The diaper sprayer on the toilet is handy for many things, but spraying out poopies is the number one job right now and it does it's job well.
5.  Less leaks and blowouts.  KB's clothes rarely ever get substance on them and the only time she ever peed through her diaper was when she was in a disposable.
6.  I feel like I am doing a good thing for my child and the environment.

Some things I have learned:

1. Prefolds and covers are most economical and easiest to wash/dry and work GREAT for around the house.  These are our go-to during the day.
2.  It is nice to have all-in-one's or pockets to take out with us because they take up less room and only require one step to put on/take off.
3.  It is great to have wet bags to put dirty diapers/stuff in.
4.  Everyone else thinks cloth diapers are cute too!
5.  Used diapers can be just as good as new, but there are places to buy new ones really cheap ( or )

So cloth diapering has been a great adventure for us.  One we will be continuing for child #1 and repeating when child #2 rolls around sometime in the indeterminate future.  Feel free to post any questions as comments and I will respond.  I placed an action shot below.  Not the best, but you can see her cool pink camo diaper cover!


Misty Marie said...

Thanks for the info.. I have been having the internal debate myself so i love seeing info and personal experience on this subject!