

At Ease - Now I Can Breathe

In my little pregnant world - this has been a very good week. I have been somewhat nervous for the past four weeks because we decided to switch providers in the 24th week. The timing wasn't as nerve-wracking as the fact that we had yet to meet the provider we were switching to, but it had to be done. After my last prenatal visit I was upset. I did not feel good about the direction things were headed and about my eventual delivery experience. I won't go into all the factors leading up to the decision to change just suffice it to say, I was not happy. This is one of those times in life when it is important to be VERY happy with your doctor.

So I did a little Internet searching and found a prospective provider. Their website was fantastically informative and immediately put me at ease. My delivery goals would be supported and yet I would have all the medical support needed right in the same building. It seemed a match made in heaven. I wanted to speak with the provider before deciding, but I didn't really have the time since I was already 24 weeks. I consulted with Terry and he was supportive either way - of course - so I took a leap of faith and prayed this would be the answer I was hoping for.

Finally the first appointment came today and I could not imagine how pleased I would be with the choice. The staff was helpful, the nurse was engaging and friendly and the midwife made me feel at ease to ask questions even though I know she is a very busy woman. I never felt rushed in the process and that is important to me. All of my questions were answered and the experience had a completely different feel than my previous provider. Between the new midwife and the child birth classes - which thus far are amazing - I feel like we are on our way to the most fulfilling birth experience ever. One which will bring Terry and I even closer together and culminate with the birth most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen.

I will not be announcing our place of birth or care to the general public, but if you are interested in knowing you can call, send an email, or send a private message and I will let you know. For family members and interested friends I will email a map and other instructions before the blessed event so you will know exactly where to park.