

My Dirty Little Secret

I have a confession to make. I have a secret I have been keeping for a few years. Some of you are painfully aware of this secret. In fact, if you have known me longer than 10 years or have lived with me then you will be saying - how could THAT be a secret?? But for those of you who are just recently getting to know me, I feel I owe it to you to let you know what you are getting into.

So here goes - I am sarcastic. Yeah I know what you are thinking - THAT is your secret? However, even as it is out in the open you really don't understand the meaning of the phrase and how it could possibly change anything. I realized today that so many people don't know my true sarcastic nature that others have come to adore (I love you too Vanessa) and some probably hate me for it. It is a wonderful defense mechanism I developed and perfected in High School. Wonderful as it may be - I have since discovered that sarcasm is not very nice - albeit funny at times. In fact after leaving my hometown I found the people to be generally much more open minded and less deserving of my biting comments. Not to mention I could chose who to be around with class choice and not having to share the same small campus. I made a conscious decision to be less sarcastic and sardonic. Although, admittedly, from time to time I slip into my old ways - particularly when I am ranting. Thus the reason for this confession session.

Now that I will be blogging regularly about whatever is on my mind and anyone who wants can read, I feel it is my responsibility to reveal this part of my nature as my writing seems to be less controlled than my conversations. I think my sardonic sense of humor is delightfully funny - others probably find it heniously offensive. Many will be surprised that often when I rant to my most beloved of confidants they will laugh at my ranting as will I. Ranting should make one feel better - right? Although I am annoyed, it is still funny. I can lighten my load by making light of other people/situations. In my mind I think sarcastically - it entertains me. Rarely do I directly subject an individual person to my sarcasm these days. Even in my most heated of (ahem) conversations with Terry I make every effort to avoid sarcasm because it is not very effective in resolving conflict.

Please take this as a warning. If you read what I write and you find it to be a little personal or biting just remember, it is probably not about you. It might be - but probably not. Just safer to assume I am talking about someone else and even more likely a type of person rather than anyone in particular. Most of my ranting will be concerning situations and mind sets. If it rings a little too true, then perhaps you have a guilty conscience - hmm? (By the way - that was a joke)


Eden said...

You're soooo vain, you probably think this post is about you. You're so vain! You probably think this post is about you. Don't you? Don't you?