

A Valentine's To Remember

Now that Terry and I are embarking on this new journey of parenthood together, there are many "last's" for us as we say goodbye to the way things have been for the first 7 years of our marriage. For example, "Last [insert holiday here] without the baby." As we discuss the passing of these last's, we imagine what the "first's" will be like. First Mother's and Father's days, Our Birthday (Terry declared this holiday as it is the day between mine and Terry's birthdays), Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and of course Bella's First Birthday! So this Valentine's you might imagine that we decided to go all out to commemorate the last Valentine's we would spend just the two of us without having to find a sitter. Well, not so much. We had planned a fun weekend. A Valentine's banquet at church (something we have never done together) on Friday night and attending a wonderfully romantic Valentine's wedding on Saturday afternoon. However, things don't always go as planned.

Terry had agreed to work for my dad for a few days which kind of bled over into our Valentine's banquet and wedding plans. Then my sister called and asked if the kids could come stay on Friday night - well why not? Terry was working and I would be by myself and we hadn't seen the kids in a while - of course, bring them up. I was to attend the wedding with Michelle and Lana, but due to illness that didn't work out either. So here we are babysitting the night away on Friday, waking early on Saturday to see him off to work, and then me attending the wedding alone.

Since I had some errands to run and needed the exercise, I spent Saturday morning dragging my niece and two nephews to every shopping destination I desired. Big Lots, Ross, Marshall's, Old Navy, Wal-Mart, and Daisy Exchange (if you can't tell I was bargain shopping) were all visited, along with a very unfortunate snack time at a McDonald's in Wal-Mart, between the hours of 9am and 12:30pm. Talk about a busy day! I met Jen at I-Hop and deposited the children and sped to Lana's to prepare for the wedding. It was during this time that I got to speak to Terry for a few minutes on the phone. That was nice and refreshing.

After a brief time at Lana's and a chocolate-chip pancake I headed to the wedding - alone - on Valentine's Day. Not the ideal situation. Fortunately, going to a wedding alone on Valentine's when you are happily married is really no different than going to a wedding alone on any other day. It's just a beautiful wedding that reminds you of how wonderful it is to be married to such a wonderful man. The only difference when you are alone is he is not beside you to hold your hand and enjoy the ceremony. Fortunately, there was plenty of entertainment to be had. Staci looked amazing and the wedding was beautiful! I laughed heartily with Terry's aunts and cousins as we chatted. It was incredibly enjoyable.

After seeing the happy couple off, it was time to head home. This mama was tired! A quick stop at Taco Bueno kept me from passing out from hunger on the way home where I promptly changed into something more comfortable (read big, baggy, and warm) and settled on the couch for some reading/napping with my feet elevated. Two hours later the phone rang and Terry was on his way home - Yay. Although I was groggy from my nap so I wasn't really able to be excited yet. We decided we should do something to celebrate and I suggested a hamburger joint, because "no one goes to Johnnie's for Valentine's". I could not have been more right! They were not packed at all. We didn't have to wait more than two minutes to order and we had our choice of booths. It was quiet and we were able to share about our day with one another without having to yell. It was really great. Terry reminded me of how he first met Jen (my sister) and the kids at that very restaurant almost 8 years before. At that time I don't think any of us imagined Terry and I would be celebrating our 7th Valentine's together at that same eatery. After a relaxing dinner we headed home and cuddled on the couch to watch the TV shows we had recorded that week, but had not had time to watch.

The perfect end to a perfect day. This was the type of evening that will be drastically changed by the additon of a child. Even as I sat there my stomach bounced with Bella's kicks reminding me that some things have already changed. It is a good thing, we like change.