

Eternal Value

I don't normally write serious stuff. Not sure why, I am a serious person. I think serious thoughts, but I like to write about the light stuff. However, lately something has been weighing heavy on my heart and I realized today that it was a message God was trying to get across to me. Sometimes it takes me a while to really understand what God is showing me and now that I have what I believe is the full revelation I just want to share it.

It all started a couple weeks ago with the ministry service on Wednesday night and the baptisms during the service. Being baptised is not an action that makes you a follower of Christ, but rather is just a visual representation of the decision you have made. That night I was tired. I had worked all day and then rushed to church grabbing something nasty to eat on the way and stood for BGV practice on my already swollen feet only to find out we would be on the stage during the whole service. No rest for the weary, right? As we sang God's presence filled the room - as always - worship at Harvest is never short of amazing! Even still, sometimes we forget the value of the sacrifices that we make. We transitioned into the baptism service and I was able to sit down on the stage to watch Pastor David and Shane submerge my fellow believers under water and bring them back up. Representing the dying of the old man and the new life that had started. These baptisms represented eternal value! My heart ached as I thought of those I knew who had never made the decision to follow Christ and those who may not currently be in relationship with Christ. At the same time I rejoiced. I was not up on the stage singing because it was the easiest thing to do, but rather because of the eternal value of leading people into worship - ushering in the presence of God and encouraging others to do the same.

The next week we began the For This Cause campaign. I absolutely believe in tithing and giving to the church! For This Cause excites me! It only took one time to get me on board and expecting amazing things from God over the next 24 months for Terry and myself and the church as a whole. However, it has taken two weeks for these two events to coalesce in my mind and I get the whole picture of what God is doing in me. Giving money to the church is something people may do when they "have extra". They give after everything else has been taken care of. Why? What makes everything else so important? Harvest is changing lives in ways that have ETERNAL VALUE! People are making decisions to live for Christ. Those decisions will ensure them a place in Heaven - eternally! Furthermore, Harvest is committed to helping make life here on Earth better. Restoring marriages and families, caring for those who are neglected, bringing children out of the sex trade, and many, many more things. Harvest is changing LIVES for the BETTER! Not because our church is so wonderful - although it is - but because it is what Christ would have us do. We are showing the love of Christ to everyone. It is the love of Christ that changes people. The realization of God's grace that has been freely given will change your life forever!

It's a tough time economically. People spend a lot of time talking about economic stimulus packages, rising unemployment, home foreclosures and other stuff that is just downright depressing. The economy is not who supplies our needs. God is our source. But it is not just about money. What about your time? What do you spend your time on? Do those things have eternal value? It is not easy to spend all Sunday morning, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, and sometimes Saturday morning at church. Especially now, I get tired. Services like Sunday morning remind me of why we do it. Standing on stage I can see people worshipping and I see the evidence of lives being changed. It is actually an amazing privilege to sing or teach or even just to be a part of the service. My life is better because of being at Harvest, and I know the lives of my children will be positively impacted by Harvest. I will continue to support them, For This Cause I was put on the Earth!